Content Halbgott (608 Beiträge)
Hallo alle miteinander,
ich fand heute in meinem E-Mail-Eingangsfach einen offizielle aussehende Nachricht, die mich um einen bescheidene Spende über 75 US$ ersuchte. Hat noch wer gelichartiges dieser tage gefunden..
Beste Grüße
Attn Herr Ralph Dombach
This letter is to inform you that it's time to send in your search engine registration for SECUTEACH.COM.
Failure to complete your search engine registration by Feb 11, 2011 may result in the cancellation of this offer (making it difficult for your customers to locate you using search engines on the web).
Your registration includes search engine submission for SECUTEACH.COM for 1 year. You are under no obligation to pay the amount stated above unless you accept this offer by Feb 11, 2011. This notice is not an invoice. It is a courtesy reminder to register SECUTEACH.COM for search engine listing so that your customers can locate you on the web
Bitte nicht vergessen, Virenscanner und Co. zu aktualisieren!
SecuTipp: GRATIS Security-Informationen für die eigene Webseite und [url="http://twitter.com/secuteach"][img]http://w
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