lwulfe schrieb:
ich bin mir nicht schlüssig, ob ALT-Texte und/oder Title-Attribute bei Grafiken, die dem Website-Design dienen, Sinn machen.
Die Spezifikation liefert dir eine Antwort darauf:
W3C schrieb: A purely decorative image that doesn\'t add any information
If an image is decorative but isn\'t especially page-specific — for example an image that forms part of a site-wide design scheme — the image should be specified in the site\'s CSS, not in the markup of the document.
Quelle: dev.w3.org/html5/spec/embedded-content-1.html
Zu Deutsch: Du sollst Design-Grafiken über CSS einbinden, nicht via HTML.
Dann gibt es auch noch folgendes:
W3C schrieb: A short phrase or label with an alternative graphical representation: icons, logos
A document can contain information in iconic form. The icon is intended to help users of visual browsers to recognize features at a glance.
In some cases, the icon is supplemental to a text label conveying the same meaning. In those cases, the alt attribute must be present but must be empty.
If the logo is being used to represent the entity, e.g. as a page heading, the alt attribute must contain the name of the entity being represented by the logo. The alt attribute must not contain text like the word "logo", as it is not the fact that it is a logo that is being conveyed, it\'s the entity itself.
If the logo is being used next to the name of the entity that it represents, then the logo is supplemental, and its alt attribute must instead be empty.
Quelle: dev.w3.org/html5/spec/embedded-content-1.html
Zu Deutsch: Wenn die Grafik ein Text ergänzt, wie z.B. ein Menü-Icon, muss das alt-Attribut leer sein.
Wenn die Grafik für sich allein steht, muss das alt-Attribut den Inhalt repräsentieren; aber ja nicht alt="Logo" für das Unternehmenslogo, sondern "Firma GmbH".
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