Wayback stützt sich - wie schon gesagt - auf Alexa ab. Hier die Info, wie eine Internetseite in den Index kommen kann:
How can I get my site included in the Wayback Machine?
Alexa Internet has been crawling the web since 1996, which has resulted in a massive archive.
Method 1: If you have a web site, and you would like to ensure that it is saved for posterity in the Internet Archive, and you\'ve searched wayback and found no results, you can visit the Alexa\'s "Webmasters" page at www.alexa.com/help/webmasters.
Method 2: If you have the Alexa tool bar installed, just visit a site.
Method 3: While visiting a site using the Internet Explorer browser, use the \'show related links\' in Internet Explorer, which uses the Alexa service.
In all cases, ensure that your site\'s \'robots.txt\' rules and in-page META robots directives do not tell crawlers to avoid your site.
Sites are usually crawled within 8 weeks of submission, sometimes much sooner. However, there is a 6-14 month lag between the date a site is crawled and the date it appears in the Wayback Machine.
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